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Modul8 2.9.2 MacOSX 46.2 MB
Modul8 is software designed from A to Z for performance and real time video. It has been adopted by hundreds of users looking for a tool that is extremely responsive, flexible and easy-to-use. Used in domains as diverse as veejaying, contemporary art, live performances, theater and video production this software has proven its worthiness in hundreds of projects around the globe by an incredibly active user community.
4 Mac OSX » Download FREEModul. A to Z for performance and real time video. It has been adopted by hundreds of users looking for a tool that is extremely responsive, flexible and easy- to- use. Sep 20, 2017 - Modul. 5 [Keygen Included] (download torrent) The. TOName: Modul. Version: - 2. Mac Platform: Intel. OS version: 1.
Above all Modul8 is a user interface designed in every detail for real time video performance. It possess a flexibility that will satisfy novices as well as advanced users. Based on a layer metaphor found in many common graphics editing software Modul8 allows for intuitive real time video composition. Each change can be seen immediately in the composition making this tool the ideal software for spontaneous improvisational creativity, interactive installations or live performances.
– Supports almost all 2D medias including all quicktime codecs, live video capture, flash 5 animation and all the most common 2D image formats.
– Import full per-pixel transparency (as long as the media supports it).
– Works in 32 bits ARGB color space.
– Modulate in real-time all the color channels using substractive/additive factors in order to change color or global transparency level.
– Apply five different types of luma-keys to generate real time per-pixel transparency on your media.
– Advanced chroma-key support.
– Works in full resolution for both the media and the final composition. (no scale down of the resolution ).
– CoreImage and FreeFrame plug-ins support allowing the usage of hundreds of external filters.
– Real time filters for contrast and saturation that can be inversed to obtain negative effects.
– Two real-time blur filters.
– Two real-time brightness filters.
– Flexible noise filter (on color or alpha-channel).
– Three-dimensional matrix transformer.
– Map your movie on a three-dimensional patch and apply transformations like displacement mapping, reshape (sphere, cylinder), including several fill modes like wire frame or points.
– Apply sound input curves to the three-dimensional patch.
– Per-layer logical record allowing the recording and the replay of per-layer user actions.
– Global logical record that let you records hours of mix at no CPU and disk space cost.
– Render the logical record to a quicktime movie.
– Direct capture mode allowing you to render to a quicktime movie while you are mixing.
– Change the speed and the play direction of your movie.
– Set the loop mode type of your movie : normal, loop or ping-pong.
– Spatial transformation of your movie on three different axis allowing perspective, scale, rotation, translation, etc.
– Automatic motion and colorisation of the media with full control over speed, rate, space, and size.
– Automatic effects can all be combined together.
– Create tiled mirrors of your medias at nearly no performance cost.
– Link the automatic effects to the sound input.
– A global trace mode where the movie acts as painting brushes on the background.
– Live video capture that can be used just as any other media type.
– Apply time transition between media changes
– An integrated painter allows you to draw directly to your composition and even create stop motion animation.
– Movie scratch module
– Special filter module which supports per parameter animation. Can be used for all Modul8, FreeFrames and CoreImage filters.
– Very advanced multi-output system
– Flexible BPM with midi clock support, tap, etc. that can be routed to nearly any Modul8 functionalities.
– A network module to pilot several Modul8 over a local network
– Mask mechanism that can be used to apply an media as a mask in front of a composition
– Anti-aliasing (as long as it is supported by your graphic card) Download nada dering sirine pemadam kebakaran.
An advanced module architecture that let you extend the feature set of Modul8.
Fully scriptable in Python.
An integrated module editor that let you create your modules straight from the inside of the application.
An interface-builder that let you build your own user-interface to customize Modul8 with full midi/keyboard mapping support.
A script editor that allows you to test your work in real-time : change your script, see the result in the composition.
An online mechanism to share the module with other users.
Pdf list of companies in bhosari midc pune. PERFORMANCE
All rendering, compositing and transformation is done using the GPU of your graphic card.
All the pixel filtering functions have been optimized for optimal speed on the PowerPC and Intel processors.
The application is fully multithreaded to avoid latency between video decompression and GPU rendering. Multi-threading has been carefully balancing to obtain optimal performance on single processor machines and multi processor machines.
Mechanism to pre-buffer critical area of the movie to lower as much as possible latency between loops, media swaps, etc.
State of the art memory system with three different strategies that can be controlled by the user: decompressed in memory, compressed in memory and streamed from disk.
All the animations and effects are time based : faster is your machine, smoother is the animation.
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What’s New Version 2.9.2:
Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
REQUIREMENTS: MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and higher
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